When setting up an Irmin database in OCaml you will need to consider, at least, the content type and storage backend. This is because Irmin has the ability to adapt to existing data structures using a convenient type combinator (Irmin.Type), which is used to define contents for your datastore. Irmin provides implementations for String, Json and Json_value contents, but it is also very easy to make your own!
Irmin gives you a few options when it comes to storage:
- an in-memory store (
) - a filesystem store (
) - git-compatible filesystem/in-memory stores (
) - an optimized on-disk store (
These packages define the way that the data should be organized, but not any I/O
routines (with the exception of irmin-mem
, which does no I/O). These packages
also provide .unix
packages that provide the I/O routines needed to make Irmin
work on Unix-like platforms. For example, you can use irmin-git.unix
having to implement any of the low-level I/O routines. Additionally, the
, irmin-mirage-git
and irmin-mirage-graphql
packages provide
Mirage-compatible interfaces.
It's also possible to implement your own storage backend if you'd like -- nearly
everything in Irmin
is configurable thanks to the power of functors in OCaml!
This includes the hash function, branch, key and metadata types. Because of this
flexibility there are a lot of different options to pick from; I will do my best
to explain the most basic usage in this section and begin introducing more
advanced concepts in subsequent sections.
It is important to note that most Irmin functions return Lwt.t
values, which
means that you will need to use Lwt_main.run
to execute them. If you're not
familiar with Lwt then I suggest this tutorial.
Creating a store
An in-memory store with string contents:
module Mem_store = Irmin_mem.KV.Make(Irmin.Contents.String)
An on-disk git store with JSON contents:
module Git_store = Irmin_git_unix.FS.KV(Irmin.Contents.Json)
These examples are using Irmin.KV, which is a specialization of Irmin.S with string list keys, string branches and no metadata.
The following example is the same as the first, using Irmin_mem.Make
of Irmin_mem.KV
module Mem_schema = struct
module Info = Irmin.Info.Default
module Metadata = Irmin.Metadata.None
module Contents = Irmin.Contents.Json
module Path = Irmin.Path.String_list
module Branch = Irmin.Branch.String
module Hash = Irmin.Hash.SHA1
module Node = Irmin.Node.Make(Hash)(Path)(Metadata)
module Commit = Irmin.Commit.Make(Hash)
module Mem_Store =
Configuring and creating a repo
Different store types require different configuration options -- an on-disk
store needs to know where it should be stored in the filesystem, however an
in-memory store doesn't. This means that each storage backend implements its own
configuration methods based on Irmin.Private.Conf -- for the examples above
there are Irmin_mem.config
, Irmin_fs.config
and Irmin_git.config
, each
taking slightly different parameters.
let git_config = Irmin_git.config ~bare:true "/tmp/irmin"
let config = Irmin_mem.config ()
With this configuration it's very easy to create an Irmin.Repo using Repo.v:
let git_repo = Git_store.Repo.v git_config
let repo = Mem_store.Repo.v config
Using the repo to obtain access to a branch
Once a repo has been created, you can access a branch and start to modify it.
To get access to the main
open Lwt.Syntax
let main_branch config =
let* repo = Mem_store.Repo.v config in
Mem_store.main repo
To get access to a named branch:
let branch config name =
let* repo = Mem_store.Repo.v config in
Mem_store.of_branch repo name
Modifying the store
Now you can begin to interact with the store using get
and set
module Mem_info = Irmin_unix.Info(Mem_store.Info)
let info message = Mem_info.v ~author:"Example" "%s" message
let main =
let* t = main_branch config in
(* Set a/b/c to "Hello, Irmin!" *)
let* () = Mem_store.set_exn t ["a"; "b"; "c"] "Hello, Irmin!" ~info:(info "my first commit") in
(* Get a/b/c *)
let+ s = Mem_store.get t ["a"; "b"; "c"] in
assert (s = "Hello, Irmin!")
let () = Lwt_main.run main
Transactions allow you to make many modifications using an in-memory tree then apply them all at once. This is done using with_tree:
let transaction_example =
let* t = main_branch config in
let info = info "example transaction" in
Mem_store.with_tree_exn t [] ~info ~strategy:`Set (fun tree ->
let tree = match tree with Some t -> t | None -> Mem_store.Tree.empty () in
let* tree = Mem_store.Tree.remove tree ["foo"; "bar"] in
let* tree = Mem_store.Tree.add tree ["a"; "b"; "c"] "123" in
let* tree = Mem_store.Tree.add tree ["d"; "e"; "f"] "456" in
Lwt.return_some tree)
let () = Lwt_main.run transaction_example
A tree can be modified using the functions in Irmin.S.Tree, and
when it is returned by the with_tree
callback, it will be applied using the
transaction's strategy (`Set
in the code above) at the given key ([]
the code above).
Here is an example move
function to move files from one path to another:
let move t ~src ~dest =
Mem_store.with_tree_exn t Mem_store.Path.empty ~strategy:`Set (fun tree ->
match tree with
| Some tr ->
let* v = Mem_store.Tree.get_tree tr src in
let* tr = Mem_store.Tree.remove tr src in
let* tree = Mem_store.Tree.add_tree tr dest v in
Lwt.return_some tree
| None -> Lwt.return_none
let main =
let* t = main_branch config in
let info = info "move a -> foo" in
move t ~src:["a"] ~dest:["foo"] ~info
let () = Lwt_main.run main
Irmin.Sync implements the functions needed to interact with remote stores.
- fetch populates a local store with objects from a remote store
- pull updates a local store with objects from a remote store
- push updates a remote store with objects from a local store
Each of these also has an _exn
variant which may raise an exception instead of
returning result
For example, you can pull a repo and list the files in the root of the project:
module Git_mem_store = Irmin_git_unix.Mem.KV(Irmin.Contents.String)
module Sync = Irmin.Sync(Git_mem_store)
let remote = Git_mem_store.remote "git://github.com/mirage/irmin.git"
let main =
let* repo = Git_mem_store.Repo.v config in
let* t = Git_mem_store.main in
let* () = Sync.pull_exn t remote `Set in
let* list = Git_mem_store.list t [] in
List.iter (fun (step, kind) ->
match kind with
| `Contents -> Printf.printf "FILE %s\n" step
| `Node -> Printf.printf "DIR %s\n" step) list
let () = Lwt_main.run main
JSON Contents
Most examples in this tutorial use string contents, so I will provide some further information about using JSON values.
There are two types of JSON contents: Json_value and Json, where Json
only store JSON objects and Json_value
works with any JSON value.
Setting up the store is exactly the same as when working with strings:
module Mem_store_json = Irmin_mem.KV.Make(Irmin.Contents.Json)
module Mem_store_json_value = Irmin_mem.KV.Make(Irmin.Contents.Json_value)
For example, using Men_store_json_value
we can assign
{"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}
to the key a/b/c
let contents_equal = Irmin.Type.(unstage (equal Mem_store_json_value.contents_t))
let main =
let module Store = Mem_store_json_value in
let module Info = Irmin_unix.Info(Store.Info) in
let* repo = Store.Repo.v config in
let* t = Store.main repo in
let value = `O ["x", `Float 1.; "y", `Float 2.; "z", `Float 3.] in
let* () = Store.set_exn t ["a"; "b"; "c"] value ~info:(Info.v "set a/b/c") in
let+ x = Store.get t ["a"; "b"; "c"] in
assert (contents_equal value x)
let () = Lwt_main.run main
An interesting thing about Json_value
stores is the ability to use Json_tree
to recursively project values onto a key. This means that using Json_tree.set
to assign {"test": {"foo": "bar"}, "x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}
to the key a/b/c
will set a/b/c/x
to 1
, a/b/c/y
to 2
, a/b/c/z
to 3
to "bar"
This allows for large JSON objects to be modified in pieces without having the
encode/decode the entire thing to access specific fields. Using Json_tree.get
we can also retrieve a tree as a JSON value. So if we call Json_tree.get
the key a/b
we will get the following object back:
{"c": {"test": {"foo": "bar"}, "x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}}
let main =
let module Store = Mem_store_json_value in
let module Info = Irmin_unix.Info(Store.Info) in
let module Proj = Irmin.Json_tree(Store) in
let* repo = Store.Repo.v config in
let* t = Store.main repo in
let value = `O ["test", `O ["foo", `String "bar"]; "x", `Float 1.; "y", `Float 2.; "z", `Float 3.] in
let* () = Proj.set t ["a"; "b"; "c"] value ~info:(Info.v "set a/b/c") in
let* x = Store.get t ["a"; "b"; "c"; "x"] in
assert (contents_equal (`Float 1.) x);
let* x = Store.get t ["a"; "b"; "c"; "test"; "foo"] in
assert (contents_equal (`String "bar") x);
let+ x = Proj.get t ["a"; "b"] in
assert (contents_equal (`O ["c", value]) x)
let () = Lwt_main.run main