Custom Content Types

At some point while working with Irmin, you might want to move beyond using the default content types.

This section will explain how custom datatypes can be implemented using Irmin.Type. Before continuing with these examples, make sure to read through the official documentation, as it contains information about the predefined types and how they're used.

Now that you've read through that documentation, let's create some contents by defining the functions required by the Irmin.Contents.S interface. This section will walk you through a few different examples:


To create a content type, you need to define the following:

  • A type t
  • A value t of type t Irmin.Type.t
  • A function merge, which performs a three-way merge over values of type t


A counter is just a simple int64 value that can be incremented and decremented. When counters are merged, the values will be added together.

To get started, you will need to define a type t and build a value t using the functions provided in [Irmin.Type]. In this case, all we need is the existing int64 value, but in most cases, it won't be this simple!

module Counter: Irmin.Contents.S with type t = int64 = struct
	type t = int64
	let t = Irmin.Type.int64

Now we need to define a merge function. There is already a counter implementation available in Irmin.Merge, so you wouldn't actually need to write this yourself:

	let merge ~old a b =
	    let open Irmin.Merge.Infix in
		  old () >|=* fun old ->
      let old = match old with None -> 0L | Some o -> o in
      let (+) = Int64.add and (-) = Int64.sub in
      a + b - old
  let merge = Irmin.Merge.(option (v t merge))

If we were to leverage the existing implementation, it would be even simpler:

let merge = Irmin.Merge.(option counter)

Now this Counter module can be used as the contents of an Irmin store:

module Counter_mem_store = Irmin_mem.KV.Make(Counter)


In this example, let's wrap a record type so Irmin can store it directly.

Here is a car type that we will use as the content type of our store:

type color =
    | Black
    | White
    | Other of string
type car = {
    license: string;
    year: int32;
    make_and_model: string * string;
    color: color;
    owner: string;

First, color has to be wrapped. Variants are modeled using the variant function:

module Car = struct
    type t  = car
    let color =
        let open Irmin.Type in
        variant "color" (fun black white other -> function
            | Black -> black
            | White -> white
            | Other color -> other color)
        |~ case0 "Black" Black
        |~ case0 "White" White
        |~ case1 "Other" string (fun s -> Other s)
        |> sealv

This maps variant cases to their names in string representation. Records are handled similarly:

    let t =
        let open Irmin.Type in
        record "car" (fun license year make_and_model color owner ->
            {license; year; make_and_model; color; owner})
        |+ field "license" string (fun t -> t.license)
        |+ field "year" int32 (fun t -> t.year)
        |+ field "make_and_model" (pair string string) (fun t -> t.make_and_model)
        |+ field "color" color (fun t -> t.color)
        |+ field "owner" string (fun t -> t.owner)
        |> sealr

Here's the merge operation:

    let merge = Irmin.Merge.(option (idempotent t))

Now some with examples using car, we will map a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to a car record. This could be used by a tow company or an auto shop to identify cars, for example:

open Lwt.Syntax
module Car_store = Irmin_mem.KV.Make(Car)
module Car_info = Irmin_unix.Info(Car_store.Info)

let car_a = {
    color = Other "green";
    license = "ABCD123";
    year = 2002l;
    make_and_model = ("Honda", "Accord");
    owner = "Jane Doe";

let car_b = {
    color = Black;
    license = "MYCAR00";
    year = 2016l;
    make_and_model = ("Toyota", "Corolla");
    owner = "Mike Jones";

let add_car store car_number car =
    let info = Car_info.v "added %s" car_number in
    Car_store.set_exn store [car_number] car ~info

let main =
    let config = Irmin_mem.config () in
    let* repo = Car_store.Repo.v config in
    let* t = Car_store.main repo in
    let* () = add_car t "5Y2SR67049Z456146" car_a in
    let* () = add_car t "2FAFP71W65X110910" car_b in
    let+ car = Car_store.get t ["2FAFP71W65X110910"] in
    assert (car.license = car_b.license);
    assert (car.year = car_b.year)

let () = main

Association List

In the following example, we will define an association list that maps string keys to string values. The type itself is not very complicated, but the merge function is even more complex than the previous two examples.

Like the two examples above, you must define a t type and a t value of type Irmin.Type.t to begin:

module Object = struct
    type t = (string * string) list
    let t = Irmin.Type.(list (pair string string))

So far so good! Irmin provides a simple way to model a list of pairs!

To write the merge function, we can leverage Irmin.Merge.alist, which simplifies this process for association lists. In this example, we use strings for both the keys and values; however, in most other cases, alist can get a bit more complicated since it requires existing merge functions for both the key and value types. For a slightly more complicated example, read through merge_object and merge_value in, which are used to implement JSON contents for Irmin.

    let merge_alist =
        Irmin.Merge.(alist Irmin.Type.string Irmin.Type.string (fun _key -> option string))
    let merge = Irmin.Merge.(option merge_alist)

LWW Register

A last-write-wins (LWW)) register is similar to a basic Irmin store; except on merge, the most recently written value will be picked rather than trying to merge the values.

First, this requires a way to get a timestamp. We will make this as generic as possible, so it can be used on Unix or MirageOS:

module type TIMESTAMP = sig
    val now: unit -> int64

On Unix this can be implemented using Unix.gettimeofday:

module Timestamp = struct
    let now () = Int64.of_float @@ Unix.gettimeofday () *. 100000.

Lww_register will be defined as a functor that wraps an existing content type:

module Lww_register (Time: TIMESTAMP) (C: Irmin.Type.S) = struct
    type t = C.t * int64
    let t =
        Irmin.Type.(pair C.t int64)

Here's a convenient function for adding a timestamp to a C.t value:

    let v c = (c, ())

The merge operation for Lww_register is slightly different than the ones covered so far. It will not attempt to merge any values. Instead, it will pick the newest value based on the attached timestamp.

    let merge ~old:_ (a, timestamp_a) (b, timestamp_b) =
        match timestamp_a timestamp_b with
        | 0 ->
            if Irmin.Type.(unstage (equal C.t)) a b then
                Irmin.Merge.ok (a, timestamp_a)
                let msg = "Conflicting entries have the same timestamp but different values" in
                Irmin.Merge.conflict "%s" msg
        | 1 -> Irmin.Merge.ok (a, timestamp_a)
        | _ -> Irmin.Merge.ok (b, timestamp_b)
    let merge = Irmin.Merge.(option (v t merge))

An example using Lww_register:

open Lwt.Syntax
module Value = Lww_register (Timestamp) (Irmin.Contents.String)
module S = Irmin_mem.KV.Make (Value)
module I = Irmin_unix.Info(S.Info)

let main =
    (* Configure the repo *)
    let cfg = Irmin_mem.config () in
    (* Access the main branch *)
    let* repo = S.Repo.v cfg in
    let* main = S.main repo in
    (* Set [foo] to ["bar"] on main branch *)
    let* () = S.set_exn main ["foo"] (Value.v "bar") ~info:(I.v "set foo on main branch") in
    (* Access example branch *)
    let* example = S.of_branch repo "example" in
    (* Set [foo] to ["baz"] on example branch *)
    let* () = S.set_exn example ["foo"] (Value.v "baz") ~info:(I.v "set foo on example branch") in
    (* Merge the example into main branch *)
    let* m = S.merge_into ~into:main example ~info:(I.v "merge example into main") in
    match m with
    | Ok () ->
        (* Check that [foo] is set to ["baz"] after the merge *)
        let+ (foo, _) = S.get main ["foo"] in
        assert (foo = "baz")
    | Error conflict ->
        let fmt = Irmin.Type.pp_json Irmin.Merge.conflict_t in
        Lwt_io.printl (Fmt.to_to_string fmt conflict)

let () = main

If you'd like another example, check out the custom merge example in the Irmin repository. It illustrates how to write a mergeable log.