These examples require you to install the irmin-cli
package from opam:
$ opam install irmin-cli
Once completed, you should have the irmin
binary installed! To get a
list of commands, run:
$ irmin help
Working With Stores
Now you can do things like create an in-memory store and serve it over GraphQL:
$ irmin graphql --store mem --address --port 8888 &
[1] 12635
The &
at the end runs the server in the background. The number printed when launching the command, in this
instance, [1]
, is your process number.
Before moving on with this tutorial, don't forget to kill the background running server created by this command.
Run kill %id
, replacing id
with the process number from your output above. Remember to do the same in the following
You can also create a new store on-disk and manipulate it directly from the terminal:
$ irmin init
$ export EXAMPLE=/tmp/irmin/example
$ mkdir -p $EXAMPLE
$ irmin set -s git --root $EXAMPLE "My key" "My value"
$ irmin get -s git --root $EXAMPLE "My key"
My value
$ irmin remove -s git --root $EXAMPLE "My key"
We can also list the contents of the store in a couple of ways. irmin tree
used to inspect the contents of the store and irmin list $KEY
is used to list
the contents under a specific path.
$ irmin set -s git --root $EXAMPLE a/b/c 123
$ irmin set -s git --root $EXAMPLE x 0
$ irmin list -s git --root $EXAMPLE /
$ irmin list -s git --root $EXAMPLE /a
$ irmin list -s git --root $EXAMPLE /a/b
$ irmin tree -s git --root $EXAMPLE
If you get sick of passing around --root
all the time, you can create a
configuration file called ./irmin.yml
or ~/.irmin/config.yml
with global
configuration options:
root: /tmp/irmin/example
store: git
contents: string
See the output of irmin help irmin.yml
for a list of configurable parameters
and the output of irmin options
for a list of backend-specific configuration
Store types (-s
: on-disk Git-compatible storegit-mem
: in-memory Git-compatible storemem
: in-memory storefs
: on-disk store
Content Types (-c
: JSON objectsjson_value
: JSON values
It is possible to extend the irmin
executable using Irmin_cli.Resolver and
module R = Irmin_cli.Resolver
let config_spec = Irmin.Backend.Conf.Spec.v "my-config-spec"
let () =
R.Contents.add "my-content-type" (module Irmin.Contents.String);
R.Store.add "my-store-type" (R.Store.Fixed_hash (fun (module Contents) ->
R.Store.v config_spec (module Irmin_mem.KV.Make(Contents)))
Irmin_cli.(run ~default commands)
Starting a GraphQL Server
Irmin comes with a built-in GraphQL server, which can be used to easily query/modify a store remotely:
$ irmin graphql --port 8080 &
[1] 13058
To verify the GraphQL server is up and running, you can try the following queries:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/graphql -d 'query { main { head { hash } } }' -H 'Content-Type: application/graphql'
$ curl http://localhost:8080/graphql -d '{"query": "query { main { head { hash } } }"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
You can also visit http://localhost:8080/graphql for an interactive environment for writing GraphQL queries. Of course, you're also free to use your GraphQL client of choice!
To get a reference to the current state of the database:
$ irmin snapshot
Use the returned sequence and irmin revert
to restore to that point:
$ irmin revert 7941ae769181f4fbf5056d8b2bfe1cd8e10928bd
Git Compatibility
and git
can be used interchangeably to inspect and modify a
repository. For instance, here are some examples of operations that can be
achieved using either git
or irmin
Cloning a Remote Repository
$ irmin clone -s git $GIT_REPO_URL
$ git clone $GIT_REPO_URL
Restoring to a Previous Commit
$ irmin revert -s git $COMMIT_HASH
$ git reset --hard $COMMIT_HASH
Pushing to a Remote Repository
$ irmin push -s git $GIT_REPO_URL
$ git push $GIT_REPO_URL main
As you can see, the command-line application has many capabilities, but it's just a fraction of what's available when using Irmin from OCaml! For more information about using Irmin and OCaml, check out the next section.